We are proud to introduce Precision Digital - today's virtual high-end dental laboratory!
Precision Digital is expertly qualified to assist clinicians who utilize digital impression systems. The lab employs computer-aided technology in nearly every step of production, ensuring that prescribed restorations are consistently well-fitting and able to be fabricated from the most modern materials.
Click here to download our latest guide for Your Cosmetic & Restorative Cases (PDF).
Step into the future:
from simple to complex cases, Digital Precision - today's Virtual Dental Laboratory!
case submission | digital prescription | impression upload | progress tracking | case and order history
With State of the Art Digital Smile Design Software, Digital Precision has the unique capability of digitally designing cases for all of your dental needs. Utilizing all disciplines of dentistry, we can digitally design any case with cephalometric, CBCT, and STL technologies in order to help assist Oral Surgeons, Periodontists, Orthodontists, and General Dentists.
With many years of experience and under the direction of an on staff Prosthodontist, you can have the confidence in our collaborative system and, together, we can plan your cases together as a team. through the approved, established connection as shown in the respective system’s manual. For open systems, clinicians can download the scan data from their impression unit and transfer it directly to Precision Digital.